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350+ Musicians from Every Continent and Genre.⠀

Bootsy Collins, Stevie Van Zandt, Chew Fu, Akon, Sally & Ben Taylor, David Fagin and more!

Ahmed Abdul-Samed

Ahmed Abdul-Samed

Ghanaian Gonge Fiddle

Ahmed Abdul-Samed is a musician from Ghana who plays gonje. His first contact with music...

Alhassan Mariwan

Alhassan Mariwan

Ghanaian Singer

Ghanaian drummer, dancer, singer from Tamale....

Amanda Wolman

Amanda Wolman

Mandy Wolman, violin, performs regularly with ensembles across the United States including Tempesta...

Amos Roach

Amos Roach

Amos Roach is a Wiradjuri/ Gunditj Mara man who is a musician and...

Ajitabh Ranjan

Ajitabh Ranjan

Alizon Lissance

Alizon Lissance


An assistant professor in Berklee's Harmony Department since 1997, Alizon Lissance is a...

Ameen Mokdad

Ameen Mokdad

Ameen Mokdad, born 1989 in Baghdad, graduated from the University of Mosul in...

Alam Khan

Alam Khan

Son of the legendary Sarode Maestro Ali Akbar Khan, Alam has been touching...

Allen Lowe

Allen Lowe

Jazz saxophonist

Allen Lowe grew up in Massapequa Park, New York in the late 1950s...

Amie Maciszewski

Amie Maciszewski

Dr. Amie Maciszewski is an internationally acclaimed sitarist, teaching artist, and ethnomusicologist who...

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